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All Are Welcome Here

The Canterbury Fellowship is the worshipping congregation of
 Episcopal Campus Ministry at Indiana University and Canterbury House.


About Us

The mission of Canterbury Fellowship within the Episcopal Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.


We pursue this mission in many different and complementary ways. We pray, worship, and proclaim the Gospel. We also promote justice, equality, inclusion, peace, love, critical thinking and acting as agents of change in our world.


Walk on the Beach

At Canterbury, all can find rest, healing and faith-filled community where they are encouraged to be themselves, to be inquisitive or to just simply be.  Many find in the life of a university that they begin to wonder about their beliefs and values.  Some may have found it hard to be active in a faith community while earnestly making new inquiries and seeking new perspectives or practices. Canterbury welcomes seekers who want to explore faith in a safe place.  We love questions about faith; we prefer to have questions that don’t have answers than to have answers that cannot be questioned.  Those who feel the Church has not valued their inquiring are especially welcome, wanted and invited to be among us.  


It is equally vital to us that Canterbury is assertively open and affirming of our LGBTQIA+ siblings. Canterbury works industriously to ensure that students, faculty, and staff know they have a safe place and loving people on campus where they can be LGBTQIA+ and Christian.  Our God loves us exactly as we are and we live out that love as best we can, valuing one another deeply for all of who they are, and all they seek to become.

Who are we?

Our life together is marked by Sunday
Mass at 4pm at Canterbury House.

After we are fed spiritually, we continue with a home-cooked meal and lively discussion over the dinner table. 

To access our service online, connect here via ZOOM 

Sundays at 4


Tuesdays at 6

Join us every Tuesday at 6pm for an evening of community building and spiritual education. Most of these events will feature African/Lambeth Bible Studies A meal will always be provided, and regardless of whether or not you are looking to participate in an event, please feel free to stop by and either eat on-site or pick up food to go.
All are welcome to attend virtually via Zoom [LINK] (a password, available in our newsletter, will be required)

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